For indoors: Worshippers are seated in a circle. A single large candle is placed in the center and lit at the beginning of the worship. Several volunteers light their candles from the center candle after sharing a favorite Bible story, Scripture verse or hymn. Other participants may light their candles from the lighted candle of the person next to them.

For outdoors: Prepare luminaries before your worship time. Construct luminaries by pouring an inch of sand into the bottom of a paper sack and placing a candle in the middle of the sand. Arrange luminaries in a circle, one in front of each participant. In the center of the circle, place nine luminaries in the shape of a cross - five vertically, then add four horizontally. The luminaries in the cross should be lit at the beginning of worship. The luminaries in the circle are lit in turn from a lighted candle passed from participant to participant. Each participant holds the passed candle while sharing a brief summary of their favorite Bible story, Scripture verse or hymn. Each lights their luminary and passes the candle to the next participant.