President’s Perspective

from Lutheran Scouting newsletter, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Summer 2024)

Greetings my fellow Lutherans,

I will take this opportunity to tell you a little about me. I am Kristin Rogahn; I am wife to Matthew for 25 years, a mother of three wonderful kids Kristopher (Victoria) 27, Zachary 25, and Ava 13, and grandmother to Emersyn Faith 2½; I’m self-employed. I have been a member of the National Lutheran Association on Scouting since 2007 and have attended multiple conferences and two national jamborees on behalf of the NLAS. In my free time (lol) I like to work on antique vehicles, cross stitch, read, but mostly spend time with family.

Over the next few months, I will be reaching out to our membership. I want to hear what our members think we should be doing. The focus I would like to see us working on is tied to Matthew 28:19-20. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” God gave this commission for each of us, and I believe that as we attend the many functions that are scheduled throughout the next few years, we have the wonderful opportunity to continue Christ’s ministry and grow the kingdom of God.

We have a duty to continue Christ’s ministry on earth and we can continue to do this by reaching out through the youth serving organizations that we partner with. Along with the information that I gain from our members, I would like NLAS to be hands and feet on the ground at the LCMS and ELCA youth gatherings, the GSUSA conference, the AHG conference, and any local events that each member is a part of.

There are three specific goals that I would like to accomplish during my term as president.

First, as I stated before, I want to find out where the members of the NLAS would like to see us moving forward. Are we fulfilling the duties that the organization believes are important? Do our members agree with the direction that the executive board is taking this organization?

Second, I want to get back to attending youth gatherings. No, I do not want us to stop working with the youth serving organizations and ministering to the youth and adults within these programs, however, I see a benefit in promoting the religious emblem programs to our Lutheran youth as well.

Third, the NLAS has the opportunity to attend two larger events in the next two years. We are looking at having a Scouting in the Lutheran Church conference at Philmont in 2025 for the Philmont Training Center’s 75th anniversary, and we are also looking at having a Lutheran booth once again for the 2026 Jamboree. The two events are great opportunities to gain experience and grow as an organization, but more importantly, they offer amazing opportunities to share our faith with others.

As we start the next chapter of the NLAS, I would like to thank the people that have so diligently served our organization. Thank you specifically to Tom Miller for his term as president, and a big thank you to Phill Lawonn for his 10 years of service to the NLAS. We appreciate all the things that each of you has done to help spread the kingdom.

With God by our side, the ministry of the NLAS can be shared with hundreds, even thousands of youth and adults within or outside of our country. Together we will share God’s message to everyone we encounter.

Yours in Christ and Scouting,

Kristin Rogahn
NLAS President